Strange encounter
While exploring the woods near the Temple of the Elk, the characters meet some curious reptiles that Kii identified as Carbuncles. He established a telepathic connection with them and the Carbuncles managed to convince him to surrender all the candies and little foodstuff he was carrying as future gifts for the forest feys... Just as the carbuncles were pointing the characters towards Tuskgutter's lair, they shrieked in terror as a strange blob of light approached the pool where they were bathing and hit them with several bolts of lightning... The heroes decided to flee riding their horses and had to sacrifice one to the strange glowing creature...
Both the carbuncles and the ball of light creature are interesting mysteries that the group decided could well be worth researching.
The following day, the heroes investigated the area where Tuskgutter had been seen. Gam'el'gar followed the tracks of the boar to its lair. The boar was not in its den, so the heroes used again the bear traps found at the bandit camp to ambush the dangerous boar... Having climbed on nearby trees, the wait for the boar was sometimes unbearable and exhausting, but several hours later, the characters had the boar´s head in a saddlebag.
The "Merchant"
On their way back to Oleg´s the characters helped someone that had fallen victim to a pit trap in the forest. Rime Marner, the person in the trap, introduced himself as a merchant in need, but soon after being rescued, he confided to Cardot that he was really one of the bandits that had not been at the Thorn River Camp when the heroes captured Kressle. In exchange for not pressing charges against him and for buying some bottles of wine at a discount, Rime told them about the Stag Lord, his bandits, and the password phrase they used to recognise each other.
Back at Oleg´s
Approaching Oleg´s, the characters met Breeg Orlivanch, a grumpy hunter that lives in the western Narlmarches and that was traveling to Oleg´s to sell his last fur cargo. He was quite unfriendly with the characters and did not talk much.
In the Trading Post the characters, after showing Tuskgutter´s head, were received as small heroes by Svetlana, and even Oleg managed to smile at them. Jhod was also happy to know about the Temple of Erastil, and Kesten handed them a heavy bag of gold coins for having captured the bandits. Even more, he also gave them a new charter from the Swordlords of Restov, trusting them with the defeat of the Stag Lord:
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poster created by WhoDrewThis |
Exploring the plains east of Oleg´s Trading Post
The characters then decided to start investigating the hills known as the Kamelands, in preparation for their approach to the Stag Lord´s Fort, and because they suspected the treasure map found in the Spider´s Lair pointed them to those hills. They also paid a second visit to Bokken, who happily gave them two of his potions after mentioning that he had not seen a single bandit in the last week.
To the east of Bokken´s Hut, the characters met a bunch of creepy hulking humanoids that followed them during their exploration of the area. Whenever the characters tried to approach them, the creatures would escape. Gam'el'gar tracked them to their lair, a filthy area of mudpools, but the characters did not understand their language, so they left some food gifts to the creatures and left before the creatures proved too aggressive.
One day later, they met a kind of midget gnome. The poor creature seemed miserable and was sobbing and crying. In Sylvan, he told Kii that he had lost his lucky coin to the filthy mites that lived to the southwest, and said he had been plagued by bad luck since he lost the coin... Indeed, a small rain cloud seemed to be following the creature... The characters promised him they would try to find his lucky coin, but convinced him that adventuring was too dangerous for him and that they did not need his help (he did not seem to understand that the heroes preferred to stay dry)... the bad luck of the creature seemed to rub a bit on the characters because the following night a horrible thunderstorm buffeted their tents and they could hardly rest.
The northern Kamelands
The heroes then finally started exploring the hills known as the Kamelands. They easily found the site marked by the treasure map found at the Spider´s Lair, and followed the Shrike River looking for a way to cross it.
After two days of exploration and river following, they reached a broken bridge with what seemed like a toll house burnt to the ground. A sign told them to ring a nearby bell to call the toll keeper... Cardot soon complied and, immediately, the group felt the temperature drop down and a rotting walking corpse raised from the river bottom and started walking on the water, ominously approaching the characters: "Where is my tormentor?" - he said- "Throw the Stag Lord´s body into the river that I may look upon his death and rejoice, or join me instead"...
- 800 (defeating Tuskgutter)
- 100 (exploring Tuskgutter lair hex)
- 400 (completing Tuskgutter quest)
- 400 (completing Wanted: Bandits quest)
- 400 (completing Temple of the Elk quest)
- 100 (exploring hex east of Bokken's Hut; found strange Large creature lair)
- 100 (exploring hex east of Spider's Nest; met leprechaun)
- 100 (exploring hex with treasure cache; found thanks to map in Spider´s Lair)
- 100 (exploring hex east of treasure cache hex).
Total this session: 2500XP
Total campaign: 8145XP
- 6 +1 animal bane arrows; 1 master longbow (Tuskgutter quest reward).
- 4 Cheliax wine bottles, each worth around 100gp (from bandit found in a pit trap).
- 400 gp (Bandits quest reward).
- Potion of cure light wounds, potion of endure elements (Bokken reward).
- masterwork dagger, wand (not yet identified), silver ring, spellbook with identify, mage armor, reduce person, silent image and unseen servant (hidden treasure cache).
Time Passed:
- Around 10 days.
The time now is 30th Pharast (March), at noon.
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